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What Should You Do In a Dental Emergency?

June 23rd 2014

shutterstock_150543056We all know that accidents happen, and usually at the most inconvenient times. Maybe you hit your mouth hard against a doorway accidentally, or your son or daughter bit down too hard on a particularly tough food. Whatever the case is, the reason for you or your child’s dental injury doesn’t need to be dwelled on; what’s important is that you act quickly and calmly so as to preserve oral health. Your first step should always be to call your local dentist’s office and make an appointment for as soon as possible, but in the meantime, here are some crucial tips for what to do in certain dental emergency situations.

Knocked-Out Tooth

First, rinse the tooth gently to get rid of any stray debris. Then, gently place the tooth back into its empty socket and hold it in place until you can reach your dentist. If this isn’t possible, place the tooth in a cup or baggie of milk instead and be sure to bring it with you to your appointment so that they can determine whether reattachment is possible.

Temporary Crown Falls Out

Can you find it? If the answer is yes, then dry your natural tooth, apply a small amount of toothpaste to the temporary restoration, and gently push it back into place. Temporary adhesive can also be used, as well as dental wax. Contact your local dentist so that they can reattach the crown as soon as possible.

Broken Tooth

Rinse the cracked tooth immediately with mildly warm water. Then, hold a cold compress to the affected area; this will help reduce any swelling while you’re on the way to your local dentist.

Bad Toothache

Thoroughly rinse your mouth and the area around the affected tooth. Then, floss around the tooth to make sure that there isn’t any debris that could be causing the discomfort. If pain persists, contact your local dentist.

How Chewing Ice Can Be Detrimental To Your Smile

June 6th 2014

shutterstock_95116573Millions of people have odd habits- things that they do without even realizing it. For some, it is biting nails; for others, playing with their hair can be a habit. For many people, though, the habit of chewing ice is a function that is not thought of, but can surprisingly have serious negative effects on your smile. Though it may seem harmless, the act of chewing ice can leave literal and metaphorical impressions on your teeth as well as your gums.

One of the reasons why chewing ice is bad for your smile is because it wears down you tooth’s enamel. The pressure of having to crush the ice with your teeth makes your enamel less than sturdy. When your enamel is chipped, it increases your chance of experiencing sensitivity when you eat and drink. Another reason why chewing ice is bad for your smile is because of the repetitive hot and cold temperatures, increasing the possibility of your having a issue with your fillings. When the filling is exposed to hot or cold temperatures, it has the capability of expanding quicker than the tooth itself, shortening the life span of your filling.

Also, another reason why you should not chew ice is because it has the ability to hurt your gums in the process! Some parts of ice can be sharp, and because your gums are so sensitive, the sharp edges of the ice can puncture, scratch, and damage your gums. Because your gums are the foundation to any healthy smile, when they are compromised, the rest of your smile is, too. So the next time you feel the urge to chew on ice, make a healthy, smile-friendly choice instead, and you won’t be sorry!

Is Your Smile Summer-Ready? Helpful Oral Health Tips for Summer

May 30th 2014

shutterstock_98421965The temperature is on the rise and school’s letting out for summer. Everywhere you look, people are heading out to the pool, to the beach, and to summertime parties with friends and family. Make sure that your smile is ready for summer with these top tips!

Keeping Your Smile Healthy All Summer Long

While you maintain your oral health at home with daily flossing and brushing, it’s still important to visit your dentist twice per year for a thorough exam and cleaning. Summer is a great time to schedule these general dentistry checkups for kids because now they won’t have to miss school for their appointment! Also, because many popular summertime beverages contain added sugar and citric acid (think lemonade, sports drinks, sodas, and wine spritzers), it is important to rinse your mouth often with a little water after sipping on these types of drinks. Be careful not to brush for at least an hour after your last beverage, though, because the substances within them can actually cause your enamel to become temporarily more susceptible to erosion.

Perhaps you’re not comfortable with the state of your smile due to cosmetic flaws. Before summer is officially in full swing, why not treat yourself to one of the many cosmetic dentistry procedures offered at your dentist’s office? Whether you opt for professional teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, or a full smile makeover, you’ll be glad you did when you’re finally able to smile with complete confidence.

Unexpected Causes of a Dingy Smile

Naturally, you’d love it if your teeth stayed radiantly white all summer long, allowing you to show off your smile freely whenever and wherever you’d like. Unfortunately, many of the activities in which we engage during the summer season can harm our smiles, including going to the pool frequently. How can going to the pool damage your teeth? If you go swimming every day and the pH balance of a swimming pool isn’t just right, it can actually cause teeth to become yellow over the course of just a few weeks. Just remember to brush at least twice per day, or preferably after each meal!

Surprise Dad on Father’s Day with Cosmetic Dentistry!

May 14th 2014

shutterstock_156648317Father’s Day is right around the corner and everyone’s searching for the perfect way to show Dad how much he’s loved and appreciated. What better way to share your love and affection than giving your dad or husband the gift of a handsome, flashy new smile? Today’s cosmetic dentistry options make it easy to give dad a Father’s day present that’s as unique as he is.

Cosmetic Dental Treatments for Father’s Day

Studies have shown that men are substantially less likely to smile than women, and even when they do, many tend to feel insecure about the state of their teeth. Whether it’s crooked teeth, unsightly yellowing, or a combination of multiple cosmetic flaws, your dentist can help! Professional teeth whitening can transform a stained, dingy smile in as little as an hour or over the course of a couple weeks at home, depending on the type of treatment Dad prefers. Porcelain veneers effectively erase common problems like gaps between teeth, cracks or chips in enamel, and stains that are resistant to whitening treatments.

Of course, if Dad’s smile is just fine aesthetically but could use a thorough cleaning, why not treat him to the pleasure of that unparalleled “just-from-the-dentist” clean feeling we all love so much? However you choose to celebrate your father this year, he’ll be sure to thank you for thinking of such an unexpected and unique gift.

Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Father’s Day is the perfect time to give the special man in your life a real reason to smile: cosmetic dentistry services that suit his lifestyle. He’ll thank you for your thoughtfulness on his special day and every time he shows off his pearly whites all year round!

How to Care for Your Smile When You’re Expecting

April 22nd 2014

pregnancy and oral healthThe months before you welcome a new member to your family will be some of the most exciting months in your life. But those nine months also come with changes, and not just the most obvious one.

For instance, studies have shown that pregnant women are more vulnerable to gum disease than women who aren’t pregnant. Studies have also shown that there’s a link between gum disease and certain complications, like preterm birth or low-birth weight.

All of which means that if you’re currently pregnant, you need to make your oral health a priority.

It’s common for pregnant women to experience the swollen, bleeding gums associated with mild gum disease. Why? Because of the increased amount of hormones in the body. As your hormones increase, your gums become more prone to irritation from plaque, potentially leading to gingivitis.

So what steps can you take to protect your smile? Here are three to consider:

  • Pay special attention to your gumline when you brush
  • Avoid starchy or sugary foods and instead stick to a diet high in fruits and vegetables
  • Talk to your dentist about extra appointments or home care tips

As a mom-to-be, you want to give your little one the best possible start in life. Making your oral health a priority during the nine months of your pregnancy are one way you can do that. If you haven’t visited your local dentist recently, call them today to reserve an appointment. Working side-by-side with your dentist, a healthy smile during pregnancy is possible.

Implant Dentistry Click to Save Money Now!
184 Pompton Avenue, Verona, NJ 07044 USA
Michael Scurti DMD (973) 857-9034